BAU 2023: Successful trade show participation

After a break of more than four years, BAU celebrated a successful comeback with record figures in terms of exhibitors and internationality of visitors. After six intensive days at the trade show, we also draw an extremely positive conclusion.

It was not only the redesigned stand that was particularly well received by the numerous visitors. The extensive functions and innovations offered by the latest version of the industry software 3E-LOOK also caused great enthusiasm. These range from integrated materials management, control station technology for production control, installation planning and post-calculation to mobile solutions.

The Bavarian breakfast at our stand also turned out to be a real hit: On two days, visitors were able to inform themselves in a live presentation about the mobile solutions and our digital solutions for manufacturers with a dealer network while enjoying veal sausages, pretzels and wheat beer.

"BAU offers a lot of opportunities for impulses, exchange and networking and is therefore an extremely important platform to us," says Sales Director Heiko Steffens, "we are very pleased about the great interest in end-to-end digital processes and solutions, about the many interesting conversations we had and the consistently positive response."

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